Our Community
The Foundation derives strength from collaborating with diverse groups that include partners, multilateral agencies, corporate organisations, government institutions, faith groups, youth groups, local communities, members and the general public.

Strengthening NCF/Capacity Building
Our effort at moving the needle towards achieving our vision, mission and strategic plans is hinged on building capacities. Firstly, within the organisation as well as with key stakeholders.
- Our people are carefully selected to ensure we have competent, self-motivated and passionate work force.
- Their individual capacities are enhanced through trainings, seminars and workshops.
- The Foundation’s partnership with global conservation organisations such as IUCN, WWF, RSPB and BirdLife International provides access to technical expertise, global best practices, international donor agencies and wealth of experience of these organisations.
- We engage other BirdLife International partners on peer review to learn from each other’s experience in the conservation field
- Multinational organisations such as ECOWAS, European Union, DFID, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, UNDP and a host of others facilitate linkages to governments and support us in catalyzing the development of guidelines and standards to advance social innovations and integrate research in their process.
- Capacity building is also directed at developing competence of our stakeholders who are integral parts of delivering conservation value. These include Local Conservation Groups, Site Support Groups, coordinators and members of school conservation clubs. With the above in mind, the Foundation aspires to double its current revenue by 2025.
Faith Groups- Nigerian Interfaith Initiative on the Environment (NIFIE)
Faith Groups have been identified as important stakeholders in the environment space with many groups taking the front seat in matters of environment
- In 2015, the Catholic Church came up with Laudato si', the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle "On Care for Our Common Home" where the Pope laments environmental degradation and global warming and calls all people of the world to take "swift and unified global action”.

- Many teachings abound in Islam on environmental stewardship. Principles such as Tauhid (Unity); Fitra (Creation); Mizan (Balance); and Khalifa (Stewardship) are the foundation for the inter-links between environmental protection and Islam belief. Hima (Sustainable management); Harim (protection); Waqf (Trust Fund); and Hisba (Enforcement) are the approaches or mechanisms that Muslim societies have employed to observe and implement the tenets of these four principles
- NCF works with diverse communities of faith groups such as Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, NASFAT, Da’wah Coordinating Council of Nigeria, National Council of Muslim Youth Organisations, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) amongst others.
- Currently, we are mobilising a coalition of these faith groups under the umbrella of Nigerian Interfaith Initiative for the Environment (NIFIE

Site Support Groups (SSGS) and Local Community Groups (LCGS)
Sustainability of projects, programme and other interventions in communities are critical for lasting and meaningful outputs. Communities are the direct beneficiaries of our projects
- NCF has an agelong culture of partnering with Local Conservation Groups in carrying out projects, drawing from their knowledge of the environment to accomplish conservation goals while also integrating these LCG’s as partners in progress. This helps to instill in them, a sense of ownership.
- Successes recorded in many of the tree planting projects is because the seedlings are nurtured to maturity by Local Conservation Groups and Site Support Groups. The knowledge that it takes years for trees to grow or for some projects to be delivered, bolsters the importance of the SSG and the LCG’s.
- We establish Site Support Groups and are resourced to sustain the achievements recorded at project sites. This has been successfully demonstrated in the case Hadejia-Nguru where we have used the Site Support Group to maintain presence, carry out awareness campaign and engagement with the community.
- In the same vein Ebrobaken Eco Guards, a Local Conservation Group established in 2018 have been in the forefront of providing protection for the migratory bird species in the Afi Mountain Sanctuary in Cross River State.
- Recently, a Local Conservation Group, the Gashaka Biodiversity Conservation Initiative, was established as an autonomous community group by residents of Gashaka community to support the conservation efforts of NCF at the Gashaka-Gumti National Park.
Mobilising Corporate Organizations and Individual Members
Corporate organisations have been the backbone of the Foundation over the years. Global Conservation organisations such as WWF, IUCN and RSPB provide access to expertise and joint project funding
- Many corporate organisations in Nigeria have demonstrated commitment towards conservation by partnering with us for the establishment and maintenance of conservation reserves such as the renowned Lekki Conservation Centre (Chevron Nigeria Limited), Becheve Nature Reserve (A.P. Leventis), Finima Nature Park (Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas) and Abuja Conservation Centre (Total E & P).

- Other organisations have committed to projects like waste management, environmental education, policy advocacy, awareness campaign, corporate membership etc.
- A landmark outcome of our engagement with corporate organisations was the Nigerian Business for Nature workshop where coalition of companies across various sectors agreed to take actions for biodiversity conservation in their operations. This was supported by the WWF’s New Deal for Nature and People.
- Finally, individuals who are passionate about the environment are our largest community through membership subscription, donation and bequest. With a strength of over 5,000, NCF is a strong membership based organisation.

Youth Mobilsation
The large population of Nigerian youth, their diversity, resilience and knowledge are important community we partner with towards achieving the sustainable development goals.
- We have worked with youth groups across communities, religious and academic institutions.
- For many decades, the youths have remained an integral part of NCF projects, activities, events, awareness campaign, social media engagements, rallies, membership (where three quarters of total members are youths) and volunteering. In effect, they are the most vibrant segment that we engage in propagating conservation messages.
- Our Environmental education activities provide platforms such as school conservation clubs in secondary schools and tertiary institutions to develop capacities of students in sustainable environmental management and practices.
- The youth have taken the lead in the yearly climate strike – a protest rally to demand action be taken to address climate change.
- With funding from the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution and support from the governments of Germany and Spain, we worked with over 1,000 youths from 21 institutions and 12 youth-led initiatives to produce the Climate Change Youth Action Manual in 2020.
- In 2020, 10 of the youth we nominated were awarded the Top 100 Conservation Leaders in Africa
Strategic Partners
NCF is affiliated to renowned global conservation organisations. This relationship has remained crucial since inception and fosters sharing ideas, joint project development and funding.
- NCF is an associate of World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), a partner to BirdLife International and a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN). These strategic partnerships have helped in enhancing the Foundation’s capacity and technical know-how.
- Our strategic partners offer opportunity to operate across the continent and globally through a network of organisations in different countries.
- Crucially, the strategic partners provide institutional support to the Foundation and collaborate on projects.