Lekki Bird Club

Some of the activities of LBC include bird-watching trips, talks/lectures as well as publications in form of newsletters and trip reports to reach a wider audience. Since inception in March 2009, LBC has on numerous occasions visited key birding areas within Lagos and recorded a few globally significance species like Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtesmonachus) and Whimbrel (Numeniusphaeopus).
LBC also disseminates updates on her activities via newsletters and trip reports. Some of these have gone beyond the borders of Nigeria, thus reaching a wider audience

Two categories of membership currently exist for LBC; student membership and individual membership. They cost N1,000 and N2,000 respectively. Eligibility for LBC membership is simply passion for nature with or without bird identification skills. However, members are expected to participate in birding trips which in due time will enable them identify birds off-hand even without help from skilled members or field guides.
Members of the club can enjoy subsidised access to the Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC) nature reserve and the NCF library. They will also be invited to participate in birding trips among and other LBC/NCF programmes.

Being the first volunteer-based bird conservation group created by NCF, we are looking at replicating similar volunteer based bird clubs around urban settlements within the country. In the near future, LBC hopes to introduce training and capacity building opportunities for aspiring birders and also engage in coordinated field projects.
For membership registration and further information on the Lekki Bird Club, please contact;lbc@ncfnigeria.org
Some Key Birding Sites in Lagos State
- Preserving the full range of Nigeria’s biodiversity which include species, ecosystems and genetic biodiversity.
- Promoting sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of the present and future generations; and
- Advocating actions that minimize pollution and wasteful utilization of renewable resources.