What have you done for the Environment Lately?

What you give goes a long way

Our Community

The Foundation derives strength from collaborating with diverse groups that include partners, multilateral agencies, corporate organisations, government institutions, faith groups, youth groups, local communities, members and the general public.

Strengthening NCF/Capacity Building

Our effort at moving the needle towards achieving our vision, mission and strategic plans is hinged on building capacities. Firstly, within the organisation as well as with key stakeholders.

Faith Groups- Nigerian Interfaith Initiative on the Environment (NIFIE)

Faith Groups have been identified as important stakeholders in the environment space with many groups taking the front seat in matters of environment​

Site Support Groups (SSGS) and Local Community Groups (LCGS)

Sustainability of projects, programme and other interventions in communities are critical for lasting and meaningful outputs. Communities are the direct beneficiaries of our projects

Mobilising Corporate Organizations and Individual Members

Corporate organisations have been the backbone of the Foundation over the years. Global Conservation organisations such as WWF, IUCN and RSPB provide access to expertise and joint project funding

Youth Mobilsation

The large population of Nigerian youth, their diversity, resilience and knowledge are important community we partner with towards achieving the sustainable development goals.

Strategic Partners

NCF is affiliated to renowned global conservation organisations. This relationship has remained crucial since inception and fosters sharing ideas, joint project development and funding.