What have you done for the Environment Lately?

What you give goes a long way
Climate change

Marine & Coastline

These comprises our activities in other habitats apart from the forest. We are working to raise awareness on the importance of these ecosystems. Equally, we are building strong advocacy in order to see effective government policies toward the protection of the marine, coastal ecosystems.


This is our initiative inaugurated to protect Nigeria’s marine ecosystem. Though, with abundant biodiversity resources, this ecosystem has neither been systematically studied nor documented. The programme seek to achieve the following:


Nigeria has about 853km of coastline which offers flood protection for coastal communities. The coastline equally serve migratory water birds (as resting points during migratory flights) and seas turtles (hatching sites). Consequently, the coastal communities have become important part of our campaign and advocacy. Some of our activities are:
We will be engaging more communities along the Nigerian coastline as a way of protecting other species such as the African Manatee Trichechus senegalensis, as well as whales that sometime beach (Cetacean stranding).


Despite their crucial ecosystem services, the wetlands are seriously under stress and direct encroachment as a result of human activities. We work to preserve the 11 internationally recognised wetlands in Nigeria and by extension, the biodiversities that depend on the ecosystem to thrive. Activities we engage in across wetlands where we operate are:
Specifically, in Hadejia Nguru Wetlands, North-East Nigeria, we work with the community to restore and maintain about 70km of wetlands which supports livelihood for over 1,000 household in 7 communities. The yearly commemoration of World Wetlands Day across the country is central to our effort at raising awareness and policy advocacy on the wetlands.